Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smootch face!!

The other day i was feeding LT and he started making this adorable but funny face! He does it ALOT now! He somewhat does it when you say make your smootch face and give him a kiss! He does it when you change his diaper too! its soo cute and if you laugh at him he keeps on making the face! Hes doing it in the pic up there but it would be cuter if he didnt have food all over his face! Atleast i got one of him doing it! I tried so hard getting one of him doing it without having food on his face but my camera is too slow to capture it and my batteries die from me trying so much lol!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

LT in his glow in the dark halloween shirt that gramma got him!
HMM which one do I want??

Saturday we took LT to the little pumpkin patch down the street. He had so much fun vandalizing the pumpkins lol. They were set up on skid platforms so they dont rot and he kept knocking them off of the platform!! And as the pumpkins were falling off he was laughing at them!! he was having so much fun though just running up to all the different pumpkins and touching them. He didnt care for one that was a dark orange and it was kinda lumpy!! But he did finally pick one out! and we carved it that night just to see if he would play with the guts but he didnt!!. He touched the goop and he was shaking his hands back and forth and he was wiping them off!! Our pumpkin before we hacked into it!!

Hes looking inside the pumpkin cuz he dropped the "spoon" in there and then he started biting it lol!

Lookin at the gooey stuff

Our pumpkin has a face now!! Good job babe!!

Here is our pumpkin glowing!!

My tonys and our pumpkin!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I officially started work!!

Today i worked from 11-3. Well actually 12-3. I got there at 11 and no one was in the studio so i walked around for a second feeling like a lost puppy, and i went up to the check out and met a lady. I think her name was Kelly but im not positive! She was really cool. I asked her who works in the portraits cuz today is my first day and no one is there. She says um, the studio doesnt open until 12. So she showed me around a lil bit and she called Juanelle my manager. So she finally came upstairs at 12 and she had me doing all sorts of crazy paper work. I hate figuring out my taxes and stuff! lol so after doing that for about an hour i had to take these tests on a computer! that sucked! i had to read a bunch of stuff and get tested on what i read. Uh i hated that in high school and i hate it now lol. But i passed my test with a 100%. I have three more to take tomorrow :( and i go in at 9 am! Im so not a morning person! But today went good. I met a girl named francesca, she seemed nice! well thats all the gossip going on here!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yay me!

So today i got a call from sears!! I GOT THE JOB!! I was too excited to ask about the pay though lol! It doesnt matter cuz every little bit will help! Plus once i get the experience i will be able to move up in the company or go to different studios! Im just excited because ill be working two days a week and LT wont have to go into a nasty disease infested daycare lol! Now i just gotta by a couple of black shirts and white shirts and a couple of new pants that fit and a pair of black shoes!!! WOO HOO yay me im so excited! I just hope i like the job and i hope it works out for me! It seems like it could be hard because im not very experience in sales or in photography. But they give me full training! It shouldnt be too hard to sell the pix bc people come in and they are wanting pics. They dont "window" shop for pictures lol!! I just hope i can take good pix and i can get good ones of the kids and stuff!! Its different then taking pix of LT i know that!! OOOH im kinda nervous too!!

Assless chaps anyone??

LMAO! Last night tony and i went to biketober fest and walked around for about two hours. As we were walking i noticed an older lady in her 40s wearing assless chaps! Of course she was wearing thongs with them but it was gross! So we get farther down main st. and there was two more girls in front of us with the assless chaps and thongs on! Im thinking ok why is it all the ugly grandmas are wearing those and not the young stripper looking girls? But by the end of the night we had seen about 15 people wearing assless chaps and thongs! Only two being descent looking and one was everybit of 300 lbs!! yea pretty gross!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


OMG so last night tony and i were watching tv and we were getting ready to put LT to bed, i looked over at abbi and shes staring at the wall like theres a squirrell on it or something so at the corner of my eye i caught a glance of something HUGE! I thought it was the occasional palmetto bug since our neighbors moved in upstairs but then i got and second take on it and it was a HUGE ASS spider!! I screamed so loud it scared LT. I cant help it that i scream but damn that was a big ass spider! no lie it was the size of a half dollar with long long legs! it was something you see on arachnaphobia!! Tony was like shut up quit screaming! i was like BABE that spider was this big (showing him with my hands) he rolled his eyes at me and said your such a girl. I said you gotta kill it cuz i wont be able to sleep tonight knowing that fuckers running around. He asked where it went and i said it fell on the blanket when i screamed. So he shakes the spider. Then tony says "if a spider crawls up my leg i swear im gunna scream like a girl!" LOL i laughed so hard when he said that!! So then he moves our chair and he moved our couch and THERE IT WAS!! Tony says "holy shit!!" its a tarantuala!!! I was like told ya so!! Hes like normally you do over exaggerate on the size but damn!! so he finally squished it. So we put LT to bed watch tv for a min and we go to bed. As im getting ready for a shower i spotted ANOTHER ONE on the wall by our dresser!! I didnt scream this time so i whispered and poked tony. He looks up and he says is that real??? I was like i think so! We both were like where the hell are these bastards coming from? Unfortunatly he couldnt kill that one cuz it literally flew when he swatted at it. So i was up all night making sure there was no huge spider coming to eat me! I shouldve gotten a pic of it but i was too scared lol! We might find the other one today probably so ill try to get a pic of it then!! damn scarey bugs!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I broke down and cut my hair!

Saturday I broke down and got my hair did lol. I was hesitant at first but i figured what the hell i cant do anything with it now so i might as well. I get there and the lady was like ok what would you like done? I was like um im not sure. I told her about my alopecia and that my hair was thinning out. So she suggested that i get alot cut off and put some layers in it to make it look full and she made the front shorter so it will frame my face better than having my five head hanging out there. She cut about eight inches off! and its still past my back! But its much lighter and i can actually brush it now!! Ive been styling it a little bit but i just blow dry it at night and when i get up in the morning its still straight!! thats never happened to me before!!!!

Not the greatest picture but thats my beautiful "stitch"! I managed to go 22 years without having to get stitches in my head, and go figure, I had to get ONE stitch because of a BALD spot! Geez they shouldve atleast put five or six stitches in there lol. That would make me feel more bad ass lol! "oh why did you have stitches in your head?" I had one stitch and it was from my bald spot lol yea that sounds cool!! lol jk! My doctor called earlier and said that my biopsy came back and that i do have alopecia areata. And that i could lose hair in other spots but i could just get more cortisone shots. But i have to stay away from strong scented hair products and stuff with strong chemicals such as hair dye. Which sux cuz i have a few grey hairs that are driving me crazy! Now i just have to get my stitch taken out on the 27th!! If my stitch is still there! lol i havent checked it in a while! It creeps me out cuz it feels like a toenail!!!! anyways our neighbors upstairs suck cuz they smoke!

LTs one year check up!

Monday LT got his one year check up!! He got two pokies in his legs :( He got his chicken pox vax and his meningitis vax. His doc says he cant believe how intelligent LT is and how he is so eager to learn. Everytime we go to the doctor theres baby books and toys in the rooms and LTs always got the books! Very impressive to Dr. Jeanty!! LT weighs 23.6 pounds. Hes 31 1/4 inches tall and his head is 18 inches in diameter. Dr. Jeanty pulled out his percentile chart and LT is 50% in the weight and 95 % in the height!! Dr. Jeanty said that by the looks on LTs chart he will be taller than tony!! which means LT will be around 6ft!! Hes gunna make me look like a hobbit!! But thats ok! Women like tall men lol!! LT rules out the "symptoms" of autism too. Most babies that show signs of autism dont show eye contact, havent started babbling by a year and doesnt turn their head to noises or their name when they have passed the hearing test. LT babbles all the time lol. Hes a little chatter box!! He gives us eye contact especially when hes getting ready to bite us!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The partying is over!!

Yesterday finally came! After having it planned two months before the actual day, it was successful! The morning started off with us cleaning the house up just incase it rained and we would have to move the party into the house. Then Tony and I decorated the pool area with balloons before we left so we could have it set up somewhat before the guests arrived. Then at 12 we went to hooters. They had three tables reserved for us. They decorated our area with some hooters balloons. Tonys mom and her three girls where there, tonys sister amanda was there with her three kids and our friends Dan and Brandy were there with their son Ricky. We ordered 100 wings and three orders of fries. We got 25 naked mild ones, 25 breaded mild, and 50 911 wings!!! The wings were a great thing, everybody had more than enough to eat and we still had some left over! Then all the hooters girls came over and sang happy bday to LT. It was so cute! Our waitress gathered all the girls up and she yelled " HEY HOOTERS GUESTS" " THIS IS MY FRIEND LT AND HE IS CELEBRATING HIS 1ST BDAY WITH US" so i held him up in the air for everyone to see him and everybody started clapping! Then all the girls sang to him and he started dancing!! When they got done singing to him they all signed a hooteres shirt for him!!
So after a great time at hooters we left and went back to our place for the pool party. When we got to the pool we noticed that ALL of our balloons were popped and GONE! Tony walked up there and noticed that there was a family there and he asks them did you guys take our balloons down? And the guy was like "yea, we thought the party was yesterday" so tony was like "uh no, today is my sons first bday party thats why we left the balloons up cuz we had plans before the pool so the guy made his kids put all the balloons up. I was pissed bc nobody there ever cleans up after themselves let alone some elses mess!! The balloons werent bothering anybody, so i think they were just being rude! But anyways they put the unpopped ones back up and i decorated the bar area. Then after i got all the decorations up his boss mike and jane came! It started to rain about twenty minutes into the party but it wasnt as bad as we were expecting!! The kids had a blast swimming, and they were anxious to see what LT got for his bday. So once we realized that the ice cream was no longer ice cream we decided to eat! We all sang to LT and we got him his own little cake again. He got messy with this cake cuz it was already melted. Then the kids and the adults got a piece of cake. When tony gave me my piece i sat it down to take a pic of it but LT grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth!!! I wasnt going to drop my camera for a piece of cake! But i guess LT wanted a colorful cake to eat! man did he get messy!!! Then we hosed him off and let him open gifts. He got a wagon, a lawn mower, a piggy bank, blocks, vsmile baby, two games, a drill, a truck and a cute little outfit. Then after we opened gifts everybody started leaving. SO we had a funfilled busy messy day!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Some funny stuff!!

want this sign in my yard!!

this to me is hilarious!!

LOL i love this one!!

so true!!!

need to make one so shawnie can wear it to work!!!

for shawnie ;)

aint he cute!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where did the time go??

So i was just sitting here and thinking about everything lol. Ya know, this time last year LT was a day old and we were just learning about babies. Now im learning about toddlers!! Yea so im still a little emotional from LT turning one. It went by so fast! It doesnt even feel like a year went by. This time next year im sure ill be saying the same thing lol! His little party with me and tony last night went well. We got him a chocolate cake this time :) Then after he got a bath and played with his toys for a second we took him to ritters to get an ice cream. We got him the worms in dirt! He picked all the gummie worms out but it was so cute cuz he ate his ice cream with a spoon!! That was so cute. he loves all of his new toys! We got him a tool bench and he loves it! Just what he needs, another hammer!! He likes his cozy coupe but i think he rather it be battery operated like his four wheeler! So anyways yesterdays little party was another success! One more party to go! hopefully it doesnt rain!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lts Party at grammas :)

Sunday we went to busch gardens for LTs first birthday. We had a blast! It was so freaking hot out though! But it was still fun. We started off going into dragon land. They had four rides there that LT could ride on and they had a little water area that he can run threw and a HUGE jungle gym. He rode on the flying dragons first. It was nerve racking for me cuz i didnt know how he would react to the rides. So of course i got on it with him. I was scared bc i didnt know if those little dragons would hold 120 lbs lol. SO we get on it buckle in and the ride starts im wondering then if i should make our dragon go higher. I didnt think our dragon would fly with my ass in it lol. SO i hear mom in the background "go higher!!" so i did. LOL as the dragon creeked and grunted LT started laughing. I was glad to hear that cuz at first he was looking quite barfy lol. But he had fun on that ride. Then the second ride was like a baby ferris wheel but it was dragon eggs. I sat on it and the whole egg just kinda tipped almost over lol. So i had to sit in the middle. He liked that ride too, he wasnt too sure about going way up by the trees though cuz he kept giving the trees the stink eye!! So after that one he got to ride on the cars that are on a track. He wasnt big enough to ride by himself and me and tony were too big to go on it with him so LT got to ride with a little girl about the age of four maybe five! He looked kinda pissy cuz i think he wanted to drive himself lol. We were all laughing cuz i said hes a year old and already riding in cars by himself with a girl lol. It was really cute though!! Then him and daddy got to ride on the dragon go round lol. Then after that i took him on this HUUUUUGGGGEEE jungle gym maze type thing. It was fun until i had to try to walk acrossed the rope bridge. That was scary but i seen bigger moms with their bigger kids go acrossed it so i just kept praying as i walked across! LT didnt help it one bit though cuz he was trying to jump on the ropes lol. So we got to the other rope bridge and that one was more fun cuz it was like a trampoline! Then we played on the playground for a little bit. After that Tony and Shawnie rode on sheikra! I really wanted to ride on the rides but my freakin stomach cant handle rides anymore. Hopefully that situation will be taken care of soon! Then we took LT to Dragon land again to play in the little water area they had there. He had a blast just running around playing in the water. Then we went to Crown Colony restaraunt for lunch. That itself was a blast! First we get to another table bc LT had to sit in a high chair so we moved next to this lady who was singing opera. Me and my sis kept giggling trying our hardest not to bust out laughing! So we get the food and LT eats some french fries from shawnie. Then Im not sure whos idea it was but someone told my mom to give LT a lemon. OH BOY WAS THAT FUNNY. He starts off by cramming the WHOLE lemon in his mouth and making the "holy shit its sour"face. Then we all laugh at him cuz the face he made so he put the lemon back in his mouth but made a face funnier than that one! So we are cracking up as he keeps putting the lemon back in his mouth and making funnier faces everytime. Then one time he about made himself puke from the sourness. We were laughing so hard and the opera lady and her husband were cracking up too! I had tears pouring down my face cuz i was laughing so damn hard! Then after we got calmed down from the lemon faces he grabs my moms napkin (a big cloth one) and he opens it up and puts it on his head and leaves it there! He was playing peek a boo but it was funnier cuz he would leave the napkin on his head and just look around! He had that half of the restaraunt laughing. So after that we decided to leave cuz it was getting hotter out and it was starting to sprinkle.
So after a dreadful hour drive (i get car sick now for some damn reason :/!) we finally get home. We let LT open his gifts after we get settled in. I figured he wouldve tore threw his presents but he was being a girl about it lol. He tore little peices off instead of big peices. But its ok Tony helped him open his gifts. He got a bunch of nice stuff! He got a farm house with little weeble animals, a weeble people plane, a weeble people dump truck, he got a bunch of new beach toys!!! The he got a few books, a very soft piggy which he is sucking on right now as hes taking a nap lol, he got a new nemo- a huge one and a small one. He got the finding Nemo DVD, he got some bath toys and he got a four wheeler power wheel! He loves that thing! Im really shocked that he actually rode it! I didnt think hed like it cuz he wouldnt know how to push the button but boy did he fool us! He can even ride it standing up on the seat lol!!
Heres one of him opening his gifts!!
Yay he got his first REAL football!!!! He loves it too!!
Here he is on his four wheeler! Yes he rode it across the living room like that!! He will have stitches in his head before his second birthday no doubt lol!! I guess thats what i get for having a boy! Girls dont play with that stuff lol just barbies and baby dolls!! Then it was time for cake DUN DUN DUN! Will he eat it like a mad crazed baby? OR will he eat it like a little girl???....
Getting all dressed up in birthday gear!
His cute smash cake!! YUMMY!! It says LT on the side of the cake!!
We ended up getting him nakey cuz he refused the birthday boy bib lol! So we didnt want to stain his clothes from the blue icing!!
THE CAKE! What will he do next?? Everybody has their cameras ready for the next action...
Him smiling with the cake :) hes so cute!! Hes not sure what to do with it though!
THEN he goes for the cake...but didnt completely smash his face into it :( But hey atleast he didnt eat it like a girl!! Im thinking if the cake wasnt so chilly and if he wasnt in a high chair he wouldve made a mess!! But the tray was holding him back!! After a few bites he finally got his nose dirty lol!!
Ahh the traditional NEWTON family horn head picture. YES us newton girls wore our hats like this until we were...well...i wont go there lol. But we dont have the picture of all the dogs with the hats on!! Well poo! Needless to say hes a clean boy!! Mom was happy that he didnt get ANY on the floor! The dogs were pissed! Then after that we had to give him a bath cuz his frosting was used as hair gel and he had more in his ears than in his mouth lol!! LOL then when we were hosing him off he took a poop in the shower lol!!! After that he spent the rest of the day playing with his toys!!
We had a lot of fun! And tonight we are having a party with just the three of us so there will be more pictures to come!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Let the parties begin!!

Tonight we are leaving to go to my moms house. And tomorrow we are having a party over there for LT!! Im so excited lol! New toys for us to play with!! It feels like christmas to me lol! Hopefully it doesnt rain tomorrow so we can go to busch gardens! I should be packing right now but im waiting for the laundry to get done. I have to remember my camcorder too! I cant believe LT is already one :( He grew up way too fast!! We sent out his photo cards and tonys family in michigan couldnt believe how handsome he is! The last time they seen LT he was three months old some seen him when he was only a month!! So it was a big surprise to everyone :) He did get cuter in age lol ;) Then tuesday we are having a little party for the three of us and hes gunna get another little cake and open his presents from us. I cant wait lol tony was too excited hes like let LT open his really big present! As much as i wanted to say yes i had to remind my self that its one less gift he will have to open on his bday, AND besides no one lets me open my presents a few days before my bday!! So this may sound rude but i hope his family in michigan send him cards. LOL idc if theres money in it i just want him to have a bunch of cards so i can put them away and he can look at them twenty years down the road. Sounds crazy i know but i save EVERYTHING! I have his umbilical cord still, sounds gross right? I have his very first hat he wore, his coming home outfit, his first outfit he grew out of, his first socks he grew out of, first baba, first binky you name it ive saved it lol. I just have to get his footprints again so i can frame them with his newborn foot prints :) I need to start working on his friggin scrapbook. But money has been so tight i havent had a chance to get the supplies i need. Oh well I guess i better start packing :P Ill have tons of pix to post after his bday!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So ok this cracks me everytime i see it lol OMG i cant help it lololol LMAO lol that thing is so disgusting but freakin hilarious looking!!!