Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

LT in his glow in the dark halloween shirt that gramma got him!
HMM which one do I want??

Saturday we took LT to the little pumpkin patch down the street. He had so much fun vandalizing the pumpkins lol. They were set up on skid platforms so they dont rot and he kept knocking them off of the platform!! And as the pumpkins were falling off he was laughing at them!! he was having so much fun though just running up to all the different pumpkins and touching them. He didnt care for one that was a dark orange and it was kinda lumpy!! But he did finally pick one out! and we carved it that night just to see if he would play with the guts but he didnt!!. He touched the goop and he was shaking his hands back and forth and he was wiping them off!! Our pumpkin before we hacked into it!!

Hes looking inside the pumpkin cuz he dropped the "spoon" in there and then he started biting it lol!

Lookin at the gooey stuff

Our pumpkin has a face now!! Good job babe!!

Here is our pumpkin glowing!!

My tonys and our pumpkin!!

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