Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I broke down and cut my hair!

Saturday I broke down and got my hair did lol. I was hesitant at first but i figured what the hell i cant do anything with it now so i might as well. I get there and the lady was like ok what would you like done? I was like um im not sure. I told her about my alopecia and that my hair was thinning out. So she suggested that i get alot cut off and put some layers in it to make it look full and she made the front shorter so it will frame my face better than having my five head hanging out there. She cut about eight inches off! and its still past my back! But its much lighter and i can actually brush it now!! Ive been styling it a little bit but i just blow dry it at night and when i get up in the morning its still straight!! thats never happened to me before!!!!

Not the greatest picture but thats my beautiful "stitch"! I managed to go 22 years without having to get stitches in my head, and go figure, I had to get ONE stitch because of a BALD spot! Geez they shouldve atleast put five or six stitches in there lol. That would make me feel more bad ass lol! "oh why did you have stitches in your head?" I had one stitch and it was from my bald spot lol yea that sounds cool!! lol jk! My doctor called earlier and said that my biopsy came back and that i do have alopecia areata. And that i could lose hair in other spots but i could just get more cortisone shots. But i have to stay away from strong scented hair products and stuff with strong chemicals such as hair dye. Which sux cuz i have a few grey hairs that are driving me crazy! Now i just have to get my stitch taken out on the 27th!! If my stitch is still there! lol i havent checked it in a while! It creeps me out cuz it feels like a toenail!!!! anyways our neighbors upstairs suck cuz they smoke!

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