Monday, September 29, 2008

LTs appointment!

So today we went to LTs appointment. I was worried that he might have bronchitis or something cuz he was coughing to the point where he would puke! But it turns out he may have asthma :( If he does have it its not that serious. So the dr gave us some liquid albueterol. He said it might make LT hyper but i just gave it to him about twenty minutes ago and hes passed out in bed lol. Hes like me, he wont let anything keep him from getting in a nap lol. So hopefully its something he can grow out of! He also got weighed today and he weighs 23.8 lbs!! He gained two pounds in two months!! His doctor was so proud that LT is walking before one!! Well nothing else going on here, tony is trying a new recipe called tuna patties lol sounds gross right? Well we will see how they come out! DUN DUN DUN!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nothing is more refreshing then the smell of fresh poopie in the morning!

UGH! This morning tony wakes me up at 9:45, which is pretty routine now so Im not complaining. But he wakes me up with "uh LT shitty" i say ok ill change him . Tony says "no i mean shitty shitty!" "like poop on the wall and on the floor and all over him shitty!" So i go in his room to see an explosion of POOP! LT was NAKED! and there was poop EVERYWHERE!! He was covered in head to toe in poo!! Then tony says bet you wish you had to work this morning then walks out the door! GEE THANX! So i had to hose LT off before i sat him in the tub. Then after his bath i had to hose off his sheets! all of his stuffed animals got pooped on his crib is pretty scuzzy too! GOD that was so disgusting. But thats what i get for not putting him in clothes lastnight. I dont know what i was thinking! I know he takes his diapers off!! I just took his clothes off cuz we got in late lastnight and i didnt want to wake him by putting jammies on him but i had to take off his dirty clothes! Well ill never do that again! That was the grossest thing ever lol. I was in there cleaning it and LT walks in his room waving his hand in front of his nose lol yea buddy it stinks thanx to ur stinky butt lol!! oh gotta love him!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Total Stephanie moment!!

Today Ive been working on the envelopes for LTs birthday photocards. They came out so good! yay walmart gains all their trust back lol! Anyways so im putting the photocards in the envelopes and marking off the people im sending them too. And idk what happened but once i finished filling the envelopes i counted how many i had left over and i counted how many people where left on the list and some how i got soooo confused. I text messaged tony saying " i have 23 of the cards in envelopes and i have 7 cards left, They gave me more than 30!!! And i was so excited lol then i counted and um yea i had thirty lol!! Tony is at work laughing histarically at me cuz im a moron lol! When i counted last night i couldve sworn that i would only have like three left over so yea lol i had a stephanie moment.... But anyways lol enough on that note. I heart walmart lol. At CVS the photocards are like $15 for 20 and they didnt have a good selection unless i wanted something with disney princess's lol. And walmart has them for .33 cents a card so for thirty they were $9.90- $10.54 out the door. But for $12.00 I could have them done in one hour!! So of course my mom says for two bucks get them today so i did. Then i ordered my mom four 5x7's online for $1.47 a piece compared to $4.00 in store! At first they didnt come out good but she said the third batch came out better! so yay! go walmart lol! So we saved tons of money on our pix and that makes me happy!! The digital picture disc was a glorious improvement walmart!! Good thinking!! LOL cant wait to send them all out and get mine in frames holy crap i gotta get a butt load of frames lol just seven of them!! They have 8x10s for three dollars i think at walmart maybe my mom can get me a good deal on them at kmart!! moms that bargain hunter!! Ok i gotta get back to my duties lol! im sure ill have something else to talk about next time~~ LoVe~PeAcE~ChIcKeN GrEaSe!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Things are lookin better!

I went to my dr appointment yesterday for my hair and it seemed to be ok lol! Im not balding anywhere else yay! And i got cortisone cream for my bald spot! But tony and my mom said that its growing back so im really excited! Then we got LTs pics taken and they all turned out awesome! I cant wait until they come back!!! Im happy we got the disc though for $20 instead of $130!!! The more pix we ordered the cheaper the disc got! But it makes it so much easier to have them on a disc so we can print them out when ever we want. So now if we run out of pix from our package we can go print them out and everybody can have one of each if thats what they wanted!! I was very impressed with how good walmart did the pictures. I was very hesitant bc sometimes they just do whatever so they can hurry up and get it over with but the lady we had was great. She experimented with most of the props and they turned out to all of our expectations and then some! Most places if you ask to use props they roll their eyes and get frustrated easy, this lady we didnt even have to ask! Im going to post them right now on here if i can lol!

I love all of his pictures! Im glad my mom was with me cuz i wouldnt have been able to choose which ones lol!! My favorite is the one with the hat and the one with the football! But they are all my favorites!! Now i just have to get an "order" sheet started for which ones his family wants lol!! Well guess i better get started on that!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Plans for the weekend

We are leaving tonight to go see my mama and my sister!! We are staying til monday as usual and sunday we are getting LTs one year pix done im so freaking excited!! I just hope hes not crazy lol. Plus he has a runny nose so ill be takin the booger sucker to his face every so often during the shoot lol! Plus i have a drs appointment with a dermatologist on monday so thats excited and nerve racking at the same time! Im hoping there is something they can do about it! I dont wanna be bald!! But anyways Im going to start packing ive gotta pick out a few outfits for LTs pictures, thats gunna be hard cuz hes got tons of clothes!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Drama Llama says GET OVER YOURSELF!

OK so I really didnt want to post my personal drama on my blog cuz im trying to forget about it but maybe ill feel better when i can write about it! So a couple days ago Megan Bitch face Huskins emails tony after two fucking years! So the dumb bitch starts off saying if this is the tony yearling that was the worse thing that happened to my life i just thought id mail ya and let ya know i had a dream about you. So i emailed her back saying if hes the worse thing that happened to u why are you wasting your time emailing him? so she mails me back saying i guess this is stephanie the fucking bitch who runs tonys life blah blah blah something about shes in law school to be a divorce lawyer and when tony grows some balls and becomes a man he should hook her up or something gay like that. SO anyways she claims she five months pregnant and wants to kick my ass. and im thinkin ok shes looking for a reason to kill her fetus cuz shes dumb like that! but anyways she says that LT is fake lol! dumb cunt! BUT honestly ive never wanted to hurt someone as much as i do her! so after her calling me a fake bitch ass slut i blocked her and she got another myspace account and mailed me some more so again i blocked that one. Im just ignoring her. Its not my fault she is jealous that she cant have kids. But damn leave mine alone! She dont want tony she wants LT or a baby with tony. no one is dumb enough to have sex with her drunk! So needless to say the psycho is still alive :( and if she is pregnant god help that baby! she honestly cant take care of a dog! Tony went to daytona to work one weekend to come home to tank in his cage covered in poop no food no water. So because of her stupid lazy fat bitch ass he had to get rid of tank. I wouldve gotten rid of her before my dog honestly lol. But i will mark my words on this, if she fucks with LT i will kill her! She always threatened me that if she ever seen me pregnant she would take a metal baseball bat to my stomach!! what a bitch! For some reason i have a really bad feeling about her. I dont usually get these weird tinglies in my stomach for no reason! shes up to something! she can do what she wants to me but dont fuck with LT! GRR i hate dumb teeny bopper bitches!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Things goin on...

A couple days ago we went to a friends bday party. Their son turned one! It was fun LT likes Ricky. They always play together and beat eachother up with toys lol. It was a fun party even though we showed up late. We got some ideas on things that LT would like for his birthday. OF COURSE the first toys he went to were the books (hes been hangin out with auntie shawnie lol) then he started to play with these blocks that look like huge legos. Then he played a little bit with a train but he wanted to throw it around lol. LOL right now hes asleep with a cookie in his mouth lol yuck i wanted to wash his face off but hes asleep lol. ANY ways lol so we went to the nicer walmart in port orange and they had the baby swim training suits on clearance for $7! they are regular $20!! So we had to buy it. But hes not getting that as a present cuz we need it now lol. I really want to get him a beach toy set. Hes always digging in the dirt and stuff so i think hed like the shovel and rake and stuff like that. Once he learns that you can carry dirt or sand in the bucket im sure hed love it!! oh well im outta words for some reason!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Things to ponder on...

If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that considered a hostage situation?

If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?

After eating, do amphibians need to wait an hour before getting OUT of the water?

Why don't they just make mouse-flavored cat food?

If you're sending someone some Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

Do they have reserved parking for non-handicapped people at the Special Olympics?

When a man talks dirty to a woman, its sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 per minute.

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

Whose cruel idea was it for the word "lisp" to have an "s" in it?

Since light travels faster than sound, is that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?

How come abbreviated is such a long word?If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead?

Since Americans throw rice at weddings, do Asians throw hamburgers?

Why are they called buildings, when they're already finished? Shouldn't they be called builts?

Why are they called apartments, when they're all stuck together?

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange?

When two airplanes almost collide why do they call it a near miss? It sounds like a near hit to me!!

Why are there 5 syllables in the word "monosyllabic"?

Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors?

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

Why is it, when a door is open it's ajar, but when a jar is open, it's not a door?

Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it.

How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him?

If "con" is the opposite of "pro," then what is the opposite of progress?

Why is it lemon juice contains mostly artificial ingredients, but dishwashing liquid contains real lemons?

Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them?

Why do we put suits in a garment bag and put garments in a suitcase?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

What do little birdies see when they get knocked unconscious?

If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

Do married people live longer than single people, or does it just SEEM longer?

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

If all those psychics know the winning lottery numbers, why are they all still working?

Isn't the best way to save face to keep the lower part shut?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby boys get ripped off!

Ok so heres the 411 why im pissed lol. We went to walmart yesterday to get a birthday gift for LTs friend. I noticed that they had their halloween section up so we looked threw the stuff. Then i noticed that there are only three costumes to choose from for baby boys- Batman, a lion, and i think an elmo. Of course we choose the lion cuz it was very cute and it was only ten dollars. But then i look down the isle some more only to notice that baby girls have like 90 different things to choose from. there five different princess's, a few different fairies, a few tinkerbell, um disney princess's, lady bugs, butterflies, dora, strawberry shortcake, bumble bees, flowers, barbies YOU NAME IT THEY HAD IT! WTF maybe LT wanted to be chuck norris or the hulk or...a dalmatian or a cowboy? NO he could either be batman elmo or a lion! I wanted him to be trex and i also found a lobster costume at target but it was sixty dollars lol.what a damn rip off! Not to mention regular clothes for boys! Stupid girls have the whole damn baby section and boys have two racks and one clearance rack! Girls dont need that many clothes!! I go to find an outfit for his pictures and so we go to the big department stores and look for a dressy outfit and theres nothing but a silk shirt with a TOAD on it! WHO PUTS TOADS ON A SILK DRESS SHIRT? come to find out infant boy dress clothes come in seasons and thats christmas and back to school. Since when do six month olds have back to school sales??? But if i had a little girl i had a million and two dresses to chose from! I have nothing against little girls i just think its unfair for little boys. The only thing that eases my mind about the boy clothes is that the way girl clothes are these days my new born would look like a hooker lol. We were at pennys one day and i was just looking threw the girl stuff just to see how much they have changed and i found an outfit for 24 months that was hot pink with a fuzzy leopard print overall skirt out fit with hotpink fishnet pantyhose! HELLO BABY STREET WALKER! Then there was one outfit that was the hoochie school girl outfit. it said it was a two toddler but the skirt couldve fit LT when he was a NEWBORN! whatever happened to cute frilly dresses with matching sunhats? Not fuzzy leopard print with matching fishnets!! Atleast i wont have to worry about LT dressing like a hooker lol. The only thing i have to deal with it ugly bugs on his clothes, i guess if thats the only thing i have to worry about then im set. I feel sorry for the moms who have daughters, one day their four year old will point to the fuzzy outfit and say MOMMY I WANT THAT OUTFIT! She will be wishing she had a boy! Plus i dont have to worry about buying LT a matching purse for certain outfits or certain nail polish or make up, or even jewelry! Its ok if he wants to match his shoes to an outfit, hes gotta have some sort of taste! I wont have to worry about periods either lol! Or getting a phone call from school saying i have to pick him up bc his finger tips are past his shorts and hes showing of his cleavage and stomach lol!! Now that i think of it that way im not so mad lol. OH BY THE WAY we bought him some dress shoes for his birthday suit (LOL i like saying that) and it said that they were clearanced for three dollars and when we went to pay for them they were only a dollar! freakin sweet!! hes gunna wear them once so we gotta hell of a good deal!! They were next to the girl shoes that were 12 dollars HAHA!! Boy clothes do get nicer as they get older. Like when he can wear really nice polos and button up shirts like his daddy! While girl clothes get skankier lol jk they get somewhat better! They do have skankier outfits for teenage girls. I just hope LT dont try to dress like malibus most wanted! OMG i would die!! PLEASE BE A PREPPY BOY! oh well we have a lot of time before he can dress himself til then i will stick to the outfits with huge animals all over them!! how corny lol!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Yesterday was a weird day! LT was so crabby and so tired. He did NOTHING all day except for sit on the couch with me and watch cartoons! We took a two hour nap lol! He is never cuddly and yesterday he was definatly super cuddly! He was like that ALL DAY then he went to bed at nine and I thought for sure he would be crabby again today but nope! Hes been himself for the most part! Maybe it was his teeth? who knows but his diarrhea finally went away and his horrible diaper rash is starting to go away! His face is peeling a little bit, Ive been putting aloe on it and he hates it! He just hates it when you touch his face for anything. Usually im picking his nose so thats why he hates it! Hes taking a nap right now as we speak! which is good considering he hasnt taken one at all. He takes one at 11 and another one around 3:30 but hes on a weird schedule so he took one at four!
LOL this picture cracks me up! He loves taking a bath! With his eyes being red he kinda looks satanic!! The first picture he reminds me of Tony in a mini version lol damn polos maybe if he wears pink he will look like me! I doubt it tho! Hes definatly his fathers child lol Hes still the cutest baby!!
Another bath pic! At first i thought there was something wrong with my camera but it was LTs splashing lol yea i can be slow at times!!
So this one i thought he could be an Abercrombie & Fitch model but i got to looking and im thinking chip n dales lol!! all he needs is a bowtie!!! JK!! He loves swimming! He also likes running around the pool and picking up all the dead bugs and trying to eat them!! Such a boy!

My lil beach bum! He loves the sand, he used to eat it but he didnt eat any this last time we were there. In that last pic im not sure what hes doing but i thought it was cute! LOL he blends in with the sand!! Well I guess i will cook some dinner!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So yesterday we had court and it went better than expected! We sat there for two freakin hours but i got to listen to everybody elses wrong doings lol. Its amazing what people do! But after sitting there for a couple hours it was finally tonys turn and they basically gave him a plea bargain cuz there was no case so he walked away with a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct which is pretty much nothing and $300 court costs. He probably couldve taken it to trial so they can dismiss all the charges but he wanted it all done and over with. THANK GOD its over with! well thats all the news going on here!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Such a gloomy week!

Its been raining for a week now, we had ONE day of sunshine but it didnt last long! Im so sick of the rain now. It makes me sleepy for some reason! Its also been very windy here! Tony fixed our screen on the patio the other day and it blew off again today! Ive been wanting to go swimming but i cant cuz its raining. And plus i dont feel like swimming when the wind is blow 40 mph! LOL i could go surfing in my own pool! eh anyways its been boring. LTs been crabby today. We had to get up early and go to the child support office so LT could get his insurance. But that was a waste of waking up early. They said that since tony lives with me we didnt have to be there! WELL DUH! we knew that lol! Not to mention theres nothing on tv. We usually watch PBS cuz LT likes sesame st. and word world but they replay the same shows twice in a row so kids can remember them i think lol. I usually watch the news but im sick of hearing about caylee anthony. Its a sad thing but until her mom admits she killed her or paid someone to do it, its getting old. And the hurricanes are getting overrated too lol. they just need to stay in africa and bring the sunshine back. Nothing else is going on, lastnight we bought LT some bday presents. We got him one of the OLD SCHOOL cozy coupes lol. they were clearanced to thirty bucks at walmart so we couldnt pass up the deal. they are regular sixty dollars!! so yea we got him that and we got him a baby tool bench, some squishy cars, an elmo movie, a book and tony HAD to get him a john deere tractor lol. Ok well thats all i have to say lol i need a cat nap!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My booger pie is getting bigger :(

Sunday Lt will be 11 months old!! How crazy is that? I cant believe how fast time really flew by! It seems like just yesterday he was barely crawling and NOW hes walking all over the place! It has been an amazing 11 months i must admit! Just watching him learn new things everyday amazes me. He is so smart! I know I know every mother says that but he really is lol. He started walking at nine months when most dont start until they are 13 to 18 months! We knew he would be an early walker but this early? When he was a newborn he had such strong legs. He would always push off of things and everyone would say "oh hes going to be an early walker'. Well they were right! I figured he wouldve waited a few more months but hey he just wanted to show that he started walking before some girls did. I hate hearing that, ''boys arent as smart as girls" "boys are slow learners" BLAH BLAH BLAH Now what? My son was walking at nine months so hehe he just proved that boys at times can be smarter than girls! Yea i know it just depends on the child but it still annoys me when people say that girls are smarter. But besides all of that his other top teeth havent broke threw yet! Im hoping they will soon after all the shit they put LT threw! He looks so different now that he has teeth lol. Atleast his teeth arent to big for his face or too small and he definatly isnt a gum baby thank god lol! His hair is finally growing back but it looks a lot darker so maybe i will have me a brown hair blue eyed baby!! Either way he is still the cutest baby ever!
I love this picture of him! He looks like hes bobbing his head side to side as hes walking lol!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hurricane Facts

Usually, the six lists of names for tropical storms and hurricanes repeat every six years. However, if there is an unusually damaging hurricane, the name is retired because using it again could be considered insensitive. The name is then not used for at least ten years. Here is a list of names that have been retired.

1954 - Carol<---- my mommys name lol
1954 - Hazel
1955 - Connie
1955 - Diane<----- my moms sisters name (they hate eachother)
1955 - Ione
1955 - Janet
1957 - Audrey
1960 - Donna
1961 - Carla
1961 - Hattie
1963 - Flora
1964 - Cleo
1964 - Dora
1964 - Hilda
1965 - Betsy
1966 - Inez
1967 - Beulah
1968 - Edna
1969 - Camille
1970 - Celia
1972 - Agnes
1974 - Carmen
1974 - Fifi
1975 - Eloise
1977 - Anita
1979 - David
1979 - Frederic
1980 - Allen
1983 - Alicia
1985 - Elena
1985 - Gloria
1988 - Gilbert
1988 - Joan
1989 - Hugo
1990 - Diana
1990 - Klaus
1991 - Bob<------a name my dad used to go by at work
1992 - Andrew
1995 - Luis
1995 - Marilyn
1995 - Opal
1995 - Roxanne
1996 - Cesar
1996 - Fran
1996 - Hortense
1998 - Georges
1998 - Mitch
1999 - Floyd
1999 - Lenny
2000 - Keith
2001 - Allison
2001 - Iris
2001 - Michelle
2002 - Isidore
2002 - Lili<------my great dane
2003 - Fabian
2003 - Isabel
2003 - Juan
2004 - Charley
2004 - Frances
2004 - Ivan
2004 - Jeanne
2005 - Dennis
2005 - Katrina
2005 - Rita
2005 - Stan
2005 - Wilma
2007 - Dean
2007 - Felix
2007 - Noel

shocking me and my sis arent on the list lol

For every year, there is a pre-approved list of names for tropical storms and hurricanes. These lists have been generated by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. At first, the lists consisted of only female names; however, since 1979, the lists alternate between male and female.
Hurricanes are named alphabetically from the list in chronological order. Thus the first tropical storm or hurricane of the year has a name that begins with "A" and the second is given the name that begins with "B." The lists contain names that begin from A to W, but exclude names that begin with a "Q" or "U."
There are six lists that continue to rotate. The lists only change when there is a hurricane that is so devastating, the name is retired and another name replaces it.

2008 Hurricane Names


Named for Huracan, the Carib god of evil, the hurricane is an amazing yet destructive natural phenomenon that occurs about 40 to 50 times worldwide each year. Hurricane season takes place in the Atlantic, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Central Pacific from June 1 to November 30 while in the Eastern Pacific the season is from May 15 to November 30.
Hurricane FormationDue to the
Coriolis effect, the regions between 5° and 20° north and south of the equator are the belts where hurricanes can form (there is not enough rotary motion between 5° north and south. The term cyclone is used in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea and the term typhoon is used in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator and west of the International Dateline.
The birth of a hurricane starts as a low pressure zone and builds into a tropical wave of low pressure. In addition to a disturbance in the tropical ocean water, the storms that become hurricanes also require warm ocean waters (above 80°F or 27°C down to 150 feet or 50 meters below sea level) and light upper level winds.
Growth and Development of Tropical Storms and HurricanesA tropical wave grows in intensity and then may grow to become an organized area of showers and thunderstorms known as a tropical disturbance. This disturbance becomes an organized area of tropical low pressure that is called a tropical depression based on cyclonic winds (counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere). A tropical depression's wind speed must be at or below 38 miles per hour (mph) or 62 km/hr when averaged out over one minute. These winds are measured at 33 feet (10 meters) above the surface.
Once average winds reach 39 mph or 63 km/hr then the cyclonic system becomes a tropical storm and receives a name while tropical depressions are numbered (i.e. Tropical Depression 4 became Tropical Storm Chantal in the 2001 season.) Tropical storm names are preselected and issued alphabetically for each storm.
There are approximately 80-100 tropical storms annually and about half of these storms become full-fledged hurricanes. It is at 74 mph or 119 km/hr that a tropical storm becomes a hurricane. Hurricanes can be from 60 to almost 1000 miles wide. They vary widely in intensity; their strength is measured on the
Saffir-Simpson scale from a weak category 1 storm to a catastrophic category 5 storm. There were only two category 5 hurricanes with winds over 156 mph and a pressure of less than 920 mb (the world's lowest pressures ever recorded were caused by hurricanes) that struck the United States in the 20th century. The two were a 1935 hurricane that struck the Florida Keys and Hurricane Camille in 1969. Only 14 category 4 storms hit the U.S. and these included the nation's deadliest hurricane - the 1900 Galveston, Texas hurricane and Hurricane Andrew which hit Florida and Louisiana in 1992.
Hurricane damage results from three primary causes:
1) Storm Surge. Approximately 90% of all hurricane deaths can be attributed to the storm surge, the dome of water created by the low pressure center of a hurricane. This storm surge quickly floods low-lying coastal areas with anywhere from 3 feet (one meter) for a category one storm to over 19 feet (6 meters) of storm surge for a category five storm. Hundreds of thousands of deaths in countries such as Bangladesh have been caused by the storm surge of cyclones.
2) Wind Damage. The strong, at least 74 mph or 119 km/hr, winds of a hurricane can cause widespread destruction far inland of coastal areas, destroying homes, buildings, and infrastructure.
3) Freshwater Flooding. Hurricanes are huge tropical storms and dump many inches of rain over a widespread area in a short period of time. This water can engorge rivers and streams, causing hurricane-induced flooding.
Unfortunately, polls find that about half of Americans living in coastal areas are unprepared for a hurricane disaster. Anyone living along the Atlantic Coast, the Gulf Coast and the Caribbean should be prepared for hurricanes during hurricane season.
Fortunately, hurricanes ultimately diminish, reverting to tropical storm strength and then into a tropical depression when they move over cooler ocean water, move over land, or reach a position where the upper level winds are too strong and are thus unfavorable.

Category One Hurricane
Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: 74-95 miles per hour
Damage Category: Minimal
Approximate Pressure: Above 980 mb
Approximate Storm Surge: 3-5 feet
Examples: Hurricane Lili (2002) in Louisiana; Hurricane Gaston (2004) in South Carolina

Category Two Hurricane
Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: 96-110 miles per hour
Damage Category: Moderate
Approximate Pressure: 979-965 mb
Approximate Storm Surge: 6-8 feet
Example: Hurricane Isabel (2003) in North Carolina

Category Three Hurricane
Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: 111-130 miles per hour
Damage Category: Extensive
Approximate Pressure: 964-945 mb
Approximate Storm Surge: 9-12 feet
Examples: Hurricane Katrina (2005) in Louisiana; Hurricane Jeanne (2004) in Florida; Hurricane Ivan (2004) in Alabama

Category Four Hurricane
Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: 131-155 miles per hour
Damage Category: Extreme
Approximate Pressure: 944-920 mb
Approximate Storm Surge: 13-18 feet
Example: Hurricane Charley (2004) in Florida; Hurricane Iniki (1992) in Hawaii; the Galveston Hurricane (1900) in Texas

Category Five Hurricane
Maximum Sustained Wind Speed: Above 155 miles per hour
Damage Category: Catastrophic
Approximate Pressure: Below 920 mb
Approximate Storm Surge: More than 18 feet
Examples: Only three Category 5 hurricanes have struck the United States since records began: The Labor Day Hurricane (1935) in the Florida Keyes, Hurricane Camille (1969) near the mouth of the Mississippi River, and Hurricane Andrew (1992) in Florida


So we dont get hurricanes for three years and now all of a sudden BOOM! First it was Fay, then there was Gustav but he went to Louisiana, and now theres Hanna, Ike and Josephine! Hanna is supposed to hit Volusia (us) Flagler and St. Augustine! So Im really dreading the weather lately and they think Ike is coming at us but they said the same thing about Gustav. So lets keep our fingers crossed! Ok so they name the storms in alphabetical order- who were the first five storms of the year before Fay??? I wonder if i can donate LTs name to the hurricane name list lol!

Blah Blah Blah

We got back home lastnight from my moms, god i hate that drive! It went by kinda fast cuz i took a nap but i had to pee like a race horse lol. I had fun, it was weird with tony not being there. Me and my mom went shopping (her hobby!) got LT new clothes and got tony some bday presents lol his bday isnt until christmas lol! My sister wasnt there she went to mississippi for a marathon. ( its like her 20th one yea shes crazy lol!) and bubby was working around the house most of the time so it was kinda boring at times. Then tony got there on sunday after he made four hundred bucks! Then my mom put him to work! well that was the next day she had him working but i think he volunteered lol. My sis got home sunday night and got a speeding ticket! For once mom didnt yell about it lol! Then on monday tony worked on my moms truck and LT went swimming in roscoes pool. Now that he can walk he gets out of his pool and runs around. He really likes lili and he says her name but she doesnt care too much for him. He tries every chance he gets to just pet her! I dont know why he just doesnt play with the dogs that do like him. Roscoe likes him when he either has a poopie diaper or has food lol.
Then my mom made ribs for dinner, which sucked cuz i could only eat two since we had a three hour ride back home and i didnt want to make it a twelve hour ride. But when we got home i ate four of them lol. Tony at some for lunch today and sent me a text saying "those ribs were deeeelicious lol" Hes a fan of my moms cooking especially her ribs! LT digs her carrots in chicken broth lol. So now we are at home. Tonys at work and im here. I have a realllllly bad earache it hurts when i drink and i cant lay on my sides cuz of the pressure. Hopefully it goes away soon!