Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Things goin on...

A couple days ago we went to a friends bday party. Their son turned one! It was fun LT likes Ricky. They always play together and beat eachother up with toys lol. It was a fun party even though we showed up late. We got some ideas on things that LT would like for his birthday. OF COURSE the first toys he went to were the books (hes been hangin out with auntie shawnie lol) then he started to play with these blocks that look like huge legos. Then he played a little bit with a train but he wanted to throw it around lol. LOL right now hes asleep with a cookie in his mouth lol yuck i wanted to wash his face off but hes asleep lol. ANY ways lol so we went to the nicer walmart in port orange and they had the baby swim training suits on clearance for $7! they are regular $20!! So we had to buy it. But hes not getting that as a present cuz we need it now lol. I really want to get him a beach toy set. Hes always digging in the dirt and stuff so i think hed like the shovel and rake and stuff like that. Once he learns that you can carry dirt or sand in the bucket im sure hed love it!! oh well im outta words for some reason!!

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